Monday, August 27, 2012

But here's my blog, so read it, maybe?

Why yes I totally channeled CRJ for that blog title. In case you haven't heard in a few short weeks we will be headed for a three year staycation in paradise. The time change will be quite a bit for our family so I decided to start the ol blog back up to help keep everyone updated on us. If you aren't a family or friend please let me introduce myself. I am Ashley. I am a stay at home mom and wife. It just so happens the other members in my family all happen to be gingers (hence the title of my blog). I love to be crafty (my husband says I am obsessed with Pinterest), I have a crazy sweet tooth so I am always making some sort of dessert, and reality tv is my weakness. My husband likes to play soldier so every couple years we get to enjoy a new place to live. It just so happens that the next place we will call home will be Hawaii. We are very excited and nervous about this move. Neither of us have ever been which is the exciting part, but the unknown is what is causing our nerves to go haywire. I know we will make the best out of it and it honestly can't be any worse than some of the other places we have lived. I have a daughter who is 8 going on 17. Seriously no one warned me hormones kicked in at such a young age. I thought I had at least 3 more years left. Despite the crazy hormones she is the apple of my eye. I secretly love her fashion sense and wish she could  pick out my clothes. Did I mention she is the best big sister ever? She truly is. She cares so much about her younger brother it is amazing. She sticks up for him, explains his behaviors when others don't understand him, and no matter how many times he hurts her feelings if he needed her she wouldn't think twice. So you guessed it I also have a son. He is a whiz at math (puts his older sister to shame I tell ya), funny, and has the best imagination. He knows what he likes and wants and no one will tell him any different. Secretly I love that he still sucks his thumb and carry's around his blankie, but don't tell my husband I said that. My son definitely keeps us on our toes. My son has Autism, but Autism doesn't have him. We try our hardest to live out our lives as if he were a typical child. Now that doesn't mean you won't see me in Target ready to rip my hair out, because if anything triggers a meltdown for him it is shopping. Life can be hard sometimes, but what keeps us going are those break through moments. This blog will basically be a daily journal of the good,bad, and the ugly randomness that is my life. In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing what we are doing to prepare for our big move and then after that I will share paradise with everyone!

Peace & Love,
Mrs. C

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