Monday, October 22, 2012

Birthday Shenanigans

In case you hadn't figured by now our countdown to the move is in full swing. To say we have been busy is an understatement. Last I left you was 24 hours before my mom arrived to spend some time with us one last time before we left the mainland.  I finally found some motivation and got the house cleaned just in time for her arrival. This year our kids go to two different elementary schools so that means they no longer get home at the same time. My mom hid outside for about an hour until both kids were home so she could surprise them. I guess it is a good thing we live in the desert and it was still pretty warm here. When I picked my mom up she was carrying a box and when I asked her what was in it she said something she found at DFW that she liked. I didn't really think anything of it and we headed back to my house. Once we got here she said that the kids could open it when they were home since they were expecting a surprise and she would come in once they opened it. I picked the box up and it was really light so in all honesty I thought she brought an empty box to trick the kids. Both kids finally arrived home and they were practically salivating at the mouth to open that box up. I grabbed my phone to video their reaction and sliced open the taped ends. Little did I know the kids weren't the only ones to receive a surprise right then. The kids ripped open the box and inside was a painting that I had asked for. Where my family lives there are studios called Painting with a twist . A few friends who live in that area have been to these painting classes and shared pictures of their masterpieces. I was looking around at classes they had to offer and fell in love with one painting. My all time most favorite in the whole entire world painting is The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh and sure enough this place was offering this painting, but with a twist. The Austin skyline so to speak. I was raised about an hour away from Austin, but have been there many times. I felt like I just had to have this painting. As soon as I saw it I called both my mom and my sister to ask if one of them would take the class. It so happened that the studio right up from the road from my sisters house was the only one offering it before my birthday. My mom told me she really didn't want to do it because she doesn't have a steady hand and felt like she couldn't do it. My sister said she would try, but in the end she couldn't get off work to attend the class. I must say my heart was broken! Sure I ask for things for my birthday, but never felt so strongly about a gift the way I did about this painting. So as I am video taping the kids ripping open this box I see them flinging paper everywhere and I thought my mom would walk in any second. Then my daughter yelled out,"Starry Night? This is for you mom not us!" Sure enough I snapped out of the daze I was in to looked and it was THE PAINTING!!!!! I had tears in my eyes and just couldn't believe it. My mom then walked in and the kids went crazy. My mom asked if I was surprised and in all honesty I totally was! I thought my sister had lied to me and done it, but then my mom pointed out the signature and she did it! Now I would have loved the painting regardless if my sister had did it, but the fact that my mom did it makes it a million more times special to me. She had to drive over an hour to Austin to take the class and on a work night to boot. After how much my mom expressed she did not want to paint I would have never guessed she did the painting for me. She even said she was worried that I wouldn't like it because I am so picky, but honestly it is the best gift she has ever given me. I can't wait to hang it up in our new house and have it for years to come. It will be that piece that will always have a special place in our home and when people ask me about it I can tell them the story about my mom painting it for me. For those who don't know me well or the things I have been through in my life may not understand this, but that is ok because my mom will know exactly what I mean.

Our relationship has never been what I have wanted and I am sure you feel the same. Things always seem to be working against us instead of for us. I know you have loved me my whole life, but I don't feel love easily. Every time I look at that painting I feel the love you have for me. At a time when everyone who I thought loved me seems to be turning their back on me you really pulled through for me as the mom I have always wanted. Words will never be able to express how much I needed the feelings you doing the painting provided. I know I don't say it often enough, but I am putting it out there for anyone and everyone to see that I LOVE YOU!

Now lets get back to the fun stuff! That night Shaun and I snuck off to the store and picked up a birthday cake for my mom. Her birthday isn't until November, but since we will be so far away we thought we would celebrate it early. She was totally surprised! We recently had family pictures taken and we had her pick out her favorite one and as her gift had it printed on a canvas. Saturday we went to a nearby town and had brunch at the Bisbee breakfast club. It was very delicious and something I have wanted to do the whole 3 years we have lived here. After that we went shopping at some of the antique stores in town. My mom bought me an old flour sifter and hand mixer I found. Later that night she fixed my favorite meal....chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, white gravy, corn, and biscuits. She even bought me A1 sauce because she knows that is what I like to eat my chicken fried steak with. The rest of the weekend I tried to relax and just enjoy seeing the kids with my mom. Tuesday morning came before we knew it and it was time to take her back to the airport. It sucked seeing her leave and not knowing when the next time we would be able to see her. As much as I have hated living in Az the past 3 years it was a short 13 hour drive home if I wanted to see my family. Moving to Hawaii consists of a very long and expensive plane ride in order to see one another. Hopefully she and some of our other family members will be able to come out and see us while we are there.

Almost one month later it is still hard to believe I am 28 years old. Doesn't really feel any different than 27 except for the fact that next year means 29. I am not scared to be almost 30 by any means, but it just means that my daughter will be turning 10 soon after. I never believed parents when they would say cherish those baby years because they go by too fast. I know find myself looking at her and trying to figure out where that baby went? Her 9th birthday is right around the corner and I just know with this move, trying to find a house in Hawaii, and getting settled, this next year will go by so quickly. I am not ready to have a daughter in the double digit age range.

I am off to get some more things checked off our pre movers coming check list. This week is full of last time appointments, pre move out inspection of the house, and baby boys 7th birthday!  Have a great week everyone.

Mrs. C

Monday, October 8, 2012

Stationery card

Merry Bright Patterns Holiday Card
View this season's most popular holiday card designs here.
View the entire collection of cards.